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How BuyIntro Works


Create a free profile for yourself as a business professional and set your fee for meetings.


When someone purchases a meeting with you schedule a date and time.


After the meeting your fee is deposited in your bank account or sent to your favorite charity.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes me a professional? I mean... do I need some type of certification or if I feel my time/experience has value can I add myself to BuyIntro?
Can I set my own fee structure for meetings and how do I get paid? Also, how do I donate to my favorite cause?
What are the reasons people would want to meet with me?
What are the different meeting options?
Am I committed to making some type of deal during the meeting since I am getting paid?
What happens if the meeting goes well and we want to meet again and discuss the topic further?
Is there any cost to sign up as a business professional?